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A couple of sad things - our 11 year old pet cockatiel, Angel, and my 4 year old tame gouldian finch, Daytona, both passed away. I'm not ready to write about them tonight, so instead I will post some pretty photos:


These two teenage cuties are my husband's granddaughter (the tall one) and her teeny-tiny friend. As you can see, they do not need
all of those beauty products.
Society finches love to snuggle. Usually it's with other society finches, which is why they are called society finches. But if another finch isn't available, a mouse will do.

I took the above photo yesterday. I spent a lot of time at the computer and Honeycomb was snuggling against my hand as I "moused around". She loves having my hand brush against her as I move the mouse.
Today she took it one step farther and squeezed herself between my hand and the mouse and rode the mouse around as I played a game of Spider Solitaire. What a cutie!

society finches
I'm quite sure there's a front-end of a chihuahua in there somewhere...

Our squirrel feeders are used day and night. Squirrels during the day -

Flying squirrels (no photo yet) and raccoons at night -

I think this is the first time that I've been able to take a photo of a kingfisher. They are so skittish, I usually can't get anywhere near enough for a photo, even with a 300mm lens. I think this one was a recent fledgling. He seemed content to sit there waiting for Mommy or Daddy to lead him somewhere else.

Belted Kingfisher
We have had a flying squirrel at our squirrel feeder almost every night for the past few weeks. Our porch light provides enough light for us to see him, but not nearly enough to take a photo. We did catch one daytime glimpse when we opened a bluebird house that we thought was empty. No camera on hand, and he ran up the tree. So, I will refer you to Endment's August 5th post where he has some very cute photos and a nice poem.
flying squirrel
Seen in our aviary this afternoon & still unaccounted for...

I'm not walking around barefoot.
My husband and I are "in training" for the Crossing, which is an annual charity event here at Lake Gaston. The 2nd annual Crossing is coming up on August 12th - participants will cross Lake Gaston near Eaton's Ferry bridge by swimming, canoeing, rafting or any other non-motorized means that they can think of. The lake is about a mile wide at that point and we will be swimming.

I swam it last year with my teenage nephew and as we were waiting with the other swimmers for the event to start, we saw two young girls with swim fins. My nephew and I looked at each other and both said "Flippers! We should have thought of that!". And of course, those two little girls swam to the other side of the lake much faster than I did. But then again, so did almost everyone else. Let me stress (as the promotors did) that this was not a race, but if it was, I would have placed next-to-last.
That in mind, when we came across some swim fins at a yard sale in Florida last winter, we jumped at the chance to spend $2 for each pair. Well, those flippers have not been the panacea that I'd hoped for, at least for me. Every once it awhile I can get into a rhythm and cover some distance, but most of the time I struggle - blister on the toe, foot cramp and general frustration - why don't those fins move right?. So once again, I will be swimming across the lake with just skin on my feet, no flippers.


My husband, on the other hand, has had no trouble with them. Twenty years older than me and some fairly serious asthma, he still outpaces me - effortlessly flippering along.
Below is a photo from last year's event - my nephew and I eating our celebratory ice cream after we finished our swim.

Lake Gaston
Let's face it - none of us look good when the camera is this close...

A little distance, some strategic blurriness - much better!

society finches