Sunday, January 28, 2007

An airboat ride

My teenage nephew came down for a visit a couple of weeks ago and in between phone calls to his girlfriend, he did manage to fit in a little south Florida sightseeing. Below: As we waited for our ride, Captain Ron pulled up to the dock with his passengers, including 3 pelicans. Cool! I hope they ride with us, too!

As the passengers disembarked, the pelicans flew off. But as soon as we were seated on the boat, they returned. Here's one posing with my nephew.

When we picked up a little speed, the pelicans left us. But we saw other wildlife along the way...

And a couple of boats that had seen better days...

Toward the end of the ride, one of our hitchhikers returned. Hey - what are you looking at???


Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

I love that last picture. Those eyes are pretty expressive considering how small they are in relation to the rest of that big bird! What's that toothy bit on the tip of the bill for?

Julie Zickefoose said...

I love all these photos! Esp. the coon photo. Florida spoils wildlife photographers with those big, photogenic birds that walk up and pose! Wonderful shots.
Tell your doggies that Chet Baker chases little bowls all over the kitchen. Hasn't figgered out the paw hold yet.

Susan Gets Native said...

Lynne: I think that the toothy thing would help them grasp slippery fish...?
I love the expression on the last pelican. They are such goofy-looking birds, but that pretty face saves them from total geekness.

Susan said...

Thanks everyone! Lynne, I didn't even notice the toothy thing until you pointed it out. Susan's guess for it's purpose sounds good to me.
Julie, there's probably not room for Chet's paw & tongue in a tuna can!