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This is Morgan, six years old, adorable, smart as a whip and a budding birder...

bird watching
Although I set Monkey free on Tuesday, he still comes back to sleep in our screen room at night. Well, he doesn't exactly come back - at sunset I go squirrel hunting (the kind without a weapon), find him, offer him my arm and he willingly climbs aboard my body. Tuesday evening he was absolutely exhausted after his first day of tree climbing. He climbed inside my sweatshirt and promptly fell asleep. I took him into the screen room offered him some formula (which he didn't want) and a walnut (which he ate). Then he drank lots of water and went back to sleep. This photo shows him curled on my hand sound asleep. Normally he would fight me when I would try to put him into his cage at night, but that night he never even woke up as I moved him into his "nest" (a cardboard box filled with fleece cloth and leaves).

squirrel rehabilitation

Before we bought Pup1 eight years ago, I read a book which mentioned that chihuahuas tend to seek out sunny spots for their nap locations, even if the spot of sun is only the size of a half dollar. Our dining/family room has lots of windows and sky lights, so on a sunny day they can find some sunshine somewhere. But the sunny spots keep moving. When the sun moves off their pillow, they hop up and stand in the new sunny spot and stare at me until I move the pillow for them. Sometimes a little bark is necessary to get my attention. I am their pillow-moving slave. If they would practice some team work, I'm sure they could drag the pillow around without my help.

I bought this orchid at a local flea market. It's my first, but hopefully not my last. I've had it a few weeks and so far it still looks beautiful. I'm a nurturer, but I normally have much more success with animals than plants. Hoping for the best with this beauty...


Last Thursday we took our first boat ride of the season. This photo shows a view of Lake Gaston reflected in my husband's sunglasses.
Lake Gaston

I found this catfish skeleton on the roof of our neighbor's dock.

We found this guy in our garage. Notice the cobwebs above his eye - with all the webs in our garage, he's lucky he wasn't trapped forever!
Carolina wren

One day last week I noticed that Lulu spent a lot of time sunning herself on the windowsill of the aviary. She didn't appear to be sick - she wasn't puffed up, nor did she have her head tucked under her wing. I tapped on the window and she flew up to one of the food dishes with no problem. It wasn't until the next day that I noticed her right leg was broken, hanging on only by skin. We caught her and snipped off the dangling leg. It appeared that there was nothing else to be done - her remaining stump looked like it had already healed with no hint of infection. The photo below shows what's left of her right leg.

She seems to be doing fine. Animals are just amazing. I've even seen her go into one of the nest boxes. Not sure how she'll do with the mating thing, but you never know!
gouldian finches